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Ash Wednesday Evening Service

On this day that begins the Lenten season, Christians all over the world come together and have ashes imposed upon their foreheads as a reminder that we are all sinners…

Good Shepherd Choir Rehearsal

 If you would like more information about the music program at Good Shepherd, please contact Michael Berman.

Morning Prayer

Morning Prayer meets online by Zoom at 7am Monday through Friday. Theliturgy and readings are available at Join the parishemail list and look for a weekly email invitation in your…

Shepherd’s Bowl Community Meal

Each Thursday evening, Good Shepherd offers a free nutritious meal to thepeople of Good Shepherd and the wider community. If you are able, this is a great time to get…

Beginner’s Bible Study

Every Thursday evening at 6pm, there is a beginner’s bible study at Good Shepherd. All are welcome!This is a great place to connect with others and learn more about what…

Men’s Breakfast and Bible Study

Every Friday morning at 6:30am men from Good Shepherd, other area churches, and the community gather to share a warm breakfast and study the bible. The study is expositional, moving…