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Good Shepherd Weekly Update, March 8, 2025

The Season of Lent

You will notice that many things change this Sunday at Good Shepherd. The biggest change will be to the liturgy. We will begin the service with the Great Litany which replaces the prayers of the people and the confession, and we will be speaking parts of the service that we sing during other parts of the year, like the Lord’s Prayer, and the memorial acclamation. We will also be using almost entirely new service music. ‘Service Music’ are the pieces that do not change from week to week, such as the gradual, the sanctus, etc.

Michael has helpfully provided videos of some of the new music. You can find those by checking out the links below.

Kyrie (Lord have mercy) 

Sanctus (Holy, Holy, Holy) 

Agnus Dei (Lamb of God) 

Instructed Liturgy

There will be an Instructed Liturgy on Saturday March 15th at 11am.  This is an educational event where the clergy walks through the Sunday service, explaining as they go what they are doing and why.  Feel free to invite friends and family. 

The Mary & Martha Guild will host a coffee hour in the parish hall immediately after.

Change for Life

The Life Choices Change for life bottles are due.  If you have a bottle, but forgot to get it turned in, please contact Christine Osgood to make arrangements.

Easter Flowers

Each year Good Shepherd decorates the altar for the Easter Vigil and Easter Day with many flowers. 

This year, we continue the new tradition of inviting the congregation to join us. If you would like to donate toward the purchase of flowers, please make a separate contribution earmarked “Easter Flowers” on any Sunday between now and Palm Sunday.  For each $10 that you give, please take a flower home after the 10:30 Easter Day service.

2025 ADLW Synod and Missions Conference

This year’s synod and missions conference will be held in McLean, Virginia on May 15-17.  Anyone is welcome to attend the open sessions of synod.  This year should be particularly interesting as Archbishop Steve Wood, and John Stonestreet will be the primary speakers.  You can find more information at our diocese website:

Potluck Schedule

The first Sunday of most months is a potluck or cooking competition. Bring a dish to pass, or just come and have lunch after the 10:30!  You’ll notice below that some of the months have a theme assigned to the meal.  This doesn’t mean you can only bring a dish that includes those items or fits into those categories.  It’s just an added element of fun if you’re up for it.

If you’re a person that enjoys competition, or judging other people (heh), please see Steph or Claudia to sign up as a judge for cooking competitions.

April 6Soup Competition
July 6Fruit Pie Competition & Americana
August 3Appetizers
September(TBD) Church Picnic
October 5Chili Cookoff
November 2(TBD)
November 30Thanksgiving Leftovers & Cookie Competition

*  No potlucks in June or December

**Please keep in mind that dates and themes are subject to change.

Coffee Hour

Stay after the 10:30 service to catch up with old friends and make some new ones over a cup of coffee in the parish hall. If you like to bake, there’s a sign up by the coffee urns next to the kitchen.

Mary & Martha Guild

Open to all women (and girls) of any age. Meetings are usually on the 3rd Saturday of the month from 11 to 1. Contact Jenn Fowler for more information.

2025 Meeting Schedule

March 15Instructed Eucharist
May 17Cinnamon Roll Baking
June 21Church Gardening & Landscaping
July 19TBD
August 16TBD
Sept 20Church Fall Cleaning
October 18TBD
November 15Advent/Christmas Wreath Making
December TBDChristmas Tea in lieu of meeting

Sunday Worship and Holy Eucharist

The 8am service This service includes readings from the Bible, a sermon, offering, confession, and communion. There is no music during this service. The 8am service is not currently being live-streamed.

The 10:30am service This is a full traditional Anglican Holy Eucharist service, including readings from the Bible, music, a sermon, confession, and communion.  This service is available for livestream on our Facebook page.  You can download a PDF copy of this week’s service bulletin here.

This Sunday’s lectionary readings are: Deut 26:5-11, Ps 91:9-16, Acts 27:27-44, Luke 4:1-13

Next Sunday’s lectionary readings will be: Gen 15:1-18, Psalm 27:9-17, Acts 28:1-10, Luke 13:(22-30)31-35

You’ll also notice that there are links in the offertory section to take you out to two different means of giving electronically. You can give online through Breeze or you can text a donation through Breeze at 607-882-6551. Good Shepherd also has a PayPal account. As always, thank you for your great generosity and kind support.

Catching Up…

Last Sunday’s Sermon Last Sunday, Jon preached on Acts 27:1-26. You can listen to “The God To Whom I Belong” here.

You can catch up on older sermons here.

Adult Christian Education Last week’s Christian Education class can be listened to or viewed here.

The Cranmer Fellows Podcast (CFP) explores pastoral ministry and theology from an Anglican perspective. CFP is a project that Jon and Matt have undertaken in order to 1) encapsulate the pastoral training Matt has given men over the years into an accessible resource and 2) serve as a door to, we pray, a future program to train more people for ministry. Though geared toward the pastor, ministry leader, and pastor-in-training, what Jon and Matt talk about is applicable to all Christians.

Here is a link where you can listen to previous episodes.

You can subscribe to CFP on all major platforms.

Ongoing Ministries 

Intercessor Ministry On Sunday at both the 8 and the 10:30, you may notice a person standing at the side altar rail as you come forward to receive Communion. That person is part of the Prayer Ministry, people trained to pray for any anxieties or troubles you may have. If you would like prayer for any reason, please feel free to stop as you pass.

Audio-Video Team Are you a technologically capable person who would like to serve the church with your gifts? Good Shepherd is adding a volunteer team to run sound and the livestream for the 10:30 Sunday service. If this is a ministry that interests you, please reach out to Micah.

Morning Prayer meets online by Zoom at 7am Monday through Friday. The liturgy and readings are available at Join the parish email list and look for a weekly email invitation in your inbox.

There will not be morning prayer on Wednesday morning, due to the Ash Wednesday AM service.

Tuesday Morning Bible Study meets at 9:05 am in the Parish Hall to walk through the bible, verse by verse. It meets in person and is available online by livestream. They are currently studying the book Judges.

Home Groups meet weekly around the Binghamton area. They study the readings for the Sunday coming up, pray, and build relationships. Check in with Jonathan or Joe Kovac to get connected.

Shepherd’s Bowl Community Dinner Good Shepherd offers a free nutritious meal to the people of Good Shepherd and the wider community on Thursday evenings from 5:30-6:30. If you are able, this is a great time to get to know others and enjoy a delicious meal.

Thursday Evening Bible Study meets directly after Shepherd’s Bowl in the sacristy and will be studying Ezra. They meet at 6:15pm. Everyone is welcome. Please see Jon Groves or Warren Musselman for more information.

Friday Morning Men’s Bible Study meets at 6:30 am for breakfast, study, and prayer.  If you are interested, please email or text Matt or Jonathan, or contact the church office. This class is currently in the Book of Psalms.

Women’s Bible Study meets at 4:30pm on Friday afternoons in the Parish Hall. They are currently studying the book of Luke. Text Anne for a zoom link if you can’t make it in person.

Good Shepherd Youth Group meets Sundays at 6pm in the choir loft. This is an engaging context for kids to grow in:

1) Knowledge of scripture and doctrine

2) Faithfulness to Christ

3) Service to others

Good Shepherd Food Pantry Having a bit of a hard time making ends meet?  The Good Shepherd Food Pantry is for church members stocked by food provided by the congregation.  If you could use some help, please feel free to pop into the food pantry (just off the kitchen). We also have a small basket in the freezer that might have a few items as well.

Everyone’s generous donations are appreciated!  Even a can or two can help. If you are in need, please feel free to make use of the pantry.  If you’d like more information, please see Jenn Fowler.

Food Pantry current needs are: peanut Butter, Canned Chicken & Tuna, Spaghetti Sauce, Parmesan Cheese, Corn and Baked Beans.

Daily Lectionary, Year I 60 Day Psalter Cycle
March 10
Psalm 22
Exod 17
Matt 18:15-end
March 11

Psalm 25
Exod 18
Matt 19:1-15
March 12

Ash Wednesday
Psalm 26, 28
Exod 19
Matt 19:16—20:16
March 13
Psalm 29, 30
Exod 20
Matt 20:17-end
March 14
Psalm 34
Exod 21
Matt 21:1-22
March 15
Psalm 32, 36
Exod 22
Matt 21:23-end
March 16
Psalm 37:1-17
Exod 23
Matt 22:1-33
The Staff of Church of the Good ShepherdThe Vestry of the Good Shepherd
Rector: Matthew Kennedy
Assistant Rector: Jonathan Groves
Assisting: Anne Kennedy
Director of Operations: Micah Lovell
Director of Music: Michael Berman
Admin. Assistant to Matt Kennedy: Stephanie Warner
Director of Children’s Ministry: Anna Dreher
Janitor: Mike Roseboom
Senior Warden: Tom Dinnel
Junior Warden: Scott Pineau
Treasurer: Greg Myer
Mary Restino
Kariah Manwaring
Christopher Jones
Bill Lane
Sarah Dreher

Have an item for the Update or Announcements?

send an email to by Monday evening.

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