What Are the Basic Doctrines of the Church?
For more about our doctrine, please see our doctrine page
How to Become a Church Member?
Parishioners can become members of Church of the Good Shepherd after attending regularly for 6 months. Members also must be able to attest to Church of the Good Shepherd’s Statement of Faith
How Do I Get Involved in Church of the Good Shepherd?
If you would like to get involved in a ministry at Good Shepherd, reach out to our Assistant Rector, Jonathan Groves
Do You Have a Livestream that I can watch??
To watch the livestream of our Christian Education and Morning Worship Service, you can go to the church Facebook page
What do the Colors, Symbols, and Postures represent?
The colors we use, the clothes participants wear, and the reason we sit, stand or kneel all point to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For example, during Advent, we use the colors purple or blue because purple is the color of Kings and we are celebrating the coming of the One true King. Candles remind us that not only is Christ the light of the world and present among us, but that we are called to be the light of Christ to the world (Matthew 5: 14). The clergy and other participants wear white robes to remind everyone (most especially their spouses, parents and children!) that it is not their own goodness that makes them worthy to serve but the righteousness of Christ (Ephesians 4:24.). We kneel in order to display our outward submission and humility before the Great King who is worthy of all honor. We stand to honor the One who has come among us by His Holy Spirit. The clergy wear “slave collars” to remind them that they are to be bond-slaves of Christ & servants of the entire church (Colossians 3:23-24).