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Morning Prayer

Morning Prayer meets online by Zoom at 7am Monday through Friday. Theliturgy and readings are available at Join the parishemail list and look for a weekly email invitation in your…

Tuesday Morning Bible Study

Tuesday Morning Bible Study meets at 9:05am to walk through different books of the bible, verse by verse.  Taught by a member of the pastoral staff in the main room…

Good Shepherd Choir Rehearsal

If you would like more information about the music program at Good Shepherd, please contact Michael Berman.

Morning Prayer

Morning Prayer meets online by Zoom at 7am Monday through Friday. Theliturgy and readings are available at Join the parishemail list and look for a weekly email invitation in your…

Good Shepherd Choir Rehearsal

 If you would like more information about the music program at Good Shepherd, please contact Michael Berman.

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

Shrove Tuesday (known in some countries as ‘Pancake Day’ or ‘Fat Tuesday’) is the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday. This year it falls on March 4.‘Shrove’ comes from the Latin word…